From the old Guild? Yeah? Good, because I saved the most passive aggressive confessions in the list at the time to repost them sometime in the future. That time has come. Behold. "I absolutely loathe Guru with every fiber of my being." "A love most of you, but you all really suck." "Spam Ships are just completely stupid and silly."  "Spam makes me happy, but some of the members are so despicable I regret ever finding this place." "I detest a lot of people here, but, I like a lot more people than I despise." "I wish people wouldn't obsess so much over douchebags like Hank or Jorick, or drool all over people like Bela, Sophi or Holmes." "I find it annoying when people suck e-dicks in Spam. Frankly, none of them fucking deserve it." "Gifs are the devils invention. Witless fucking peons the lot of you." "Among the several that I dislike, there is truly only one person in Spam that I find despicable and actually hate." "I think bandwagon threads are fucking stupid." "I loathe Dutch people." "To all those pining for spammer love, having had multiple online relationships start here, it's not the best route to take for things. The guys or girls you fawn over likely don't feel the same towards you. Yes, there will be those exceptions that work, but... well look at the conditions of it? Didn't TURT and BLUEROSE meet through Spam or something? You know, TURT? Anyway, you see the point I'm trying to make. Maybe." "I really hope most of these 'serious' ones are trolling. Because y'all motherfuckers are pathetic as shit." "There's three kinds of people I hate in Spam. The Hanks, the Sophis and the Natsumes. And I'm pretty sure I like the Natsumes the most." "I actually really dislikes Sophi. Yall are strange as fuck." "I don't know whether to laugh or cry about these confessions. I'm leaning more to the laughter. And I laugh because some of these people are wimps. I also laugh because some people are just ridiculous. I mean, seriously? But that's Spam for you." "@206 I really hate people that use asterisks to describe actions. Please die." "I know people are unresponsive to me because I share little to nothing with spam. But when I feel like shit about myself I really really wish someone would take an interest in me the way they do with asshole celebrities like Jorick and useless attention whores like Clirkus." "This is so fucking cathartic it's unbelievable." "I hate the spammers who have that Skype group. I bet they're talking shit right now." "Get help people."  "Elitism in this community really bothers me. The truth of the matter is, there's only a handful of people in Spam whose personas are truly unique and reputable. If your persona is based around bad sexual innuendo and shitty reactions images/gifs, fuck you. You're all bad copy cats of each other and you're all too obsessed with snorting your own farts to see it." "Haha reading this shit over makes me want to off myself." "Fuck you, Hank, you Dutch bastard." "I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me... but I can't help it that I'm so popular." "I wish people would stop confessing to respond to other confessions. You're wasting my fucking time making me scroll back up and find which loser you were consoling on the off chance you were being ironic." "Pop punk is the shittiest music genre of all time, and if you listen to it, I hope your balls fall off." "Bai 338. You'll be missed for about ten minutes. Afterwhich, these slack jawed idiots will get distracted by something else that could make Hank look intelligent for once."