Jade quietly made her way down a small alley that cut straight through the area, making it easier for students to get to the academy. She shivered slightly and quickly slid her black hoodie on, making sure to leave the hood on as well. For once, in her many years of living here, it was quiet. Probably because of the time it was, but it felt nice. All that she could hear was the dangling dog tags and her footsteps. At least that was all she could hear until the sound of faint, muffled voices echoed down the alley. Jade slowed down immediately and turned to look behind her before she looked ahead again. As she crept up the alley, the voices became clearer and louder. She shivered again but this time it wasn't because she was cold. Something was wrong and she knew it. She followed the voices and stopped only when she neared a warehouse type of building. "What the hell..." Jade muttered, an eyebrow lifting as she walked up to the building and entered it. Her eyes widened as she saw what was happening inside. She glanced over the girl that was on the ground but since there was someone already there, and helping, Jade looked pushed the thought aside and turned her attention to the flames above the attacker. She had an idea of what it meant but she didn't pay anymore attention to him because her focus was on the strands of flames that were wrapped around a young man. Jades mind raced as she began to look around. She stopped looking as she found what she needed. A sprinkler system. Old, but useful. She let her own mind reach out and with a flick of a finger, the water in the sprinkler came bursting out. Rather than falling as if it were rain, Jade formed it into a stream, waiting until it had enough water and then sent it flying towards the attacker and the flames. It wasn't strong enough to hurt him, she knew very well, but it was enough to put out the flames and cause a distraction so the guy who was getting choked could escape.