Pyrus was puzzled by the question for a moment, " Of course I want to become a Death Scythe, that's kind of the point of being here," he gave her a crooked grin. He looked himself up and down before stating, " Music would be fine by me." He smiled and took her hand in his own as he firmly shook it. "The name's Pyrus by the way," he said as he pulled away turning to look around at the other Meisters and Weapons who had begun to group in duos. He contemplated this duo of which he had just socially signed a contract to before turning back to the girl. "So seeing as you're going to be my meister, I'd assume you'd like to see what kind of weapon I am," before she could reply he took a step back and shifted into a chainsaw sword of which protruded from the ground at an angle. He waited to see what her reaction would be to this form.