His ears twitch slightly and the feline figure freezes. The sound of sneakers pounding the pavement draws Yu's attention and he turns towards the sound. [i]'It sounds like he is running this way'[/i] A faint panic starts up in his chest and his head whips around, seeking some place to hide. []'Cure the march of progress, there is not a plant to be seen!'[/i] At last his eyes fall on a grouping of old machine parts piled beside the sidewalk. He dashes behind them quickly and ducks down low. Through a rusty crack in a large gear Yu observes the boy coming into sight an instant later. [i]'What does he want? Most people try to forget sightings like this. . .'[/i] [b]“Considering what I've just seen, that's not much of an answer. Please, who are you? Thank you for rescuing me, but I don't understand,”[/b] Yu can not help a faintly toothy cat smile when the boy thanks him, but it falls quickly as he tries to figure out what to do next. [i]'He obviously is not going to just forget it, so maybe I should just talk to him? Perhaps I could ask him not to say anything. . . .'[/i] He shakes his head with a sigh. [i]'That has never worked. I could always use some magic to befuddle him, but I. . . I do not want to do something to this boy. Not with as little control as he already has over what happens to him'[/i] His eyes return to the young man, his stomach churning at the look of obvious almost frantic confusion on his face. [i]'I can not leave him like this'[/i] Slowly Yu slinks out from behind the pile of parts, his tail moving slowly back and forth as he keeps his eyes locked on the boy. He continues forward until he's in the middle of the wide walking path and looks directly at the boy's face. Slowly his tail whips back and forth and he turns away. Taking a few steps down the walk he pauses and looks back. Snapping his tail a few more times he bounds a few more steps away. Pausing again he looks back at the boy, then breaks into a steady run. [i]'If he should want to follow, he should be able to keep up with me at this speed'[/i] Not looking back until he reaches the arch over the walk he stops only long enough to ready himself for a jump. With a fantastic leap he flies all the way to the top of the arch, a good 20 foot jump. Settling gently on top he sits, curling his tail around his feet he at last looks back to see if the boy followed.