Athinar, turning to see the man with the large sword address them, froze as he glimpsed the hilt, with the red gem inset. Vehemently shaking his head at the man's offers, Athinar came up behind those in the inn, saying, "Those who do accept this man's help shall receive none from me." Slashing his hand through the air, Athinar accidentally let sparks fly, but not so much as to light a fire. "I don't know what it is about him, but something is wrong." Unclasping the bag's top, Athinar pushed past the treasure he had looted from Dasmira's room, and scraping the bottom, found a small stone [hider=Th' Stone] [img=] [/hider] , with a small rune on it. Handing it to Leon, he closed the other man's hand around it. In a low whisper, Athinar said, "I trust your judgement. You seem like a solid enough man. Go with the others, and if anything happens, smash this stone. It'll launch a pillar of fire into the air, and let me know exactly where you are. I'll arrive as soon as I can at your position. I don't want any adventurers dying in the keep. Especially now that something's happening there." Pulling out a large goblet, inset with rubies, Athinar handed it to the bartender, saying, "Sorry for the fire. This should cover the damages." Pulling out a small locket, he continued, "I think your grandfather would've wanted you to have this." Leaving the inn, he said, "Now if anyone wishes to follow me to the keep, then they may. However, this will not be an adventure for profit, glory, or other selfish ambitions. This is for the good of all." Trudging through the mud a few meters, he waved his hands, and a horse made of fire appeared from thin air. Leaping up on it's back, he rode off towards the keep, a trail of fire in his wake. Catching up to Joric, the mage narrowed his eyes. Shouting over the clamor of hooves, Athinar narrowed his eyes at the swordsman. "I'm watching you, sir!" Taking off towards the keep, Athinar sped ahead on his flaming mount. Reaching the dark gate, Athinar dissipated his mount, and hitting the ground, encased his hand in fire. Holding it to the gate, he watched with a grim satisfaction as the iron melted, dripping onto the ground, and with a hiss, hardening. Stepping inside, Athinar held his hand up, and entered the keep, heading inside the gatehouse.