Horus swiped his hand nonchalantly through the air and redirected the water to hit the wall instead. With an excited grin, he formed an ice javelin in his arm and leapt high into the air, spinning with tremendous force and launching it straight at Jade's neck. The javelin rocketed through the air and pierced clean through her neck, impaling her and lifting her off her feet. The spear lodged itself into the wall with Jade's body hanging limply from it. The kunai had bounced harmlessly off a telekinetic barrier that the leader erected around himself just in time. Snarling at the arrival of the Guardians, he grabbed Dark by his dreadlocks with a vice-like grip and pulled him in front of him, using him as a human shield. "Take one more step forward and I'll slit this one's throat!" he warned the advancing Guardians, stopping them in their tracks. "You live, for now. But I'll be back for you." he whispered into Dark's ear menacingly. He dug his fingers into Dark's shoulder and, with his other hand still curled up in Dark's hair, jerked his head to the left. With enough space to pursue sheer insanity, the leader swooped down and growled, sinking his teeth through Dark's cheek and tearing into skin and sinew, clamping his jaws in like a crazed pitbull, the salty, metallic taste of blood filling his mouth. Using the pressure in both hands, he violently jerked his head away and tore the flesh off Dark's face, much to Horus' amusement who laughed shrilly and sadistically. The leader threw Dark down to the floor and spat the remnants of his cheek at him, wiping his blood-stained lips and admiring his handiwork as he looked down at the boy who was missing a quarter of his identity; his molars were visible through the side of his face. He turned his attention back to the Guardians and spread his arms to the side in a quick and powerful movement, unleashing a guttural and ear-shattering roar as gusts of telekinetic energy swept from his body and tore the walls of the warehouse. Bolts and nails flew out of place as the structure folded in on itself and spun around the entire group like a metallic tornado, only stopping until every single piece was high in the air, directly above them. In the blink of an eye, both of the attackers had vanished. Whilst the threat they posed had been vanquished, the other threat loomed over them loftily as thousands of tons of compressed steel began to rain down towards those who were left standing in the warehouse's shadow.