What a pain. He had always hated the city, and now he lived in one of the largest. He hated how the skyscrapers were like canyons, and the streets were at the bottom. There were no plants, no trees, just cold hard concrete and steel. At least there was central park, and at least he didn't have to spend all his time in the blasted city. Right now, he was headed towards central park to collect a couple plants from a Craigslist seller, who had some fairly rare plants for sale. Course, with the nature of his diary, he didn't bring it with him. It was hidden safely at home, where no one would find it. He was a bit worried that he may be discovered by being in such a populated place, but the chance to buy these plants was too much to resist. After all, it was on a first-come first-serve basis. If he didn't make it before another collected did, he would miss the chance to get these plants.