A dome emerges from the ground and covers what once was the warehouse sounds of debris falling on top of roof can be heard for a few minutes once it seems that it settles the ground opens up and squad of 15 Guardian members emerge from the rift. A tall man with slick black hair, wearing black cargo pants, a white muscle shirt, with a pendant shaped as a copperhead lands is the first to enter the remains of the warehouse. "Nobody move!" He bellows out as remainder of his squad land. Quickly he makes his way toward Dark and he has squad split into three separate groups. A white mage in each one attending the other Wanderers, he kneels down to Dark who is thrashing about, cuffing his cheek as his blood seeps through his hands and onto the floor. "Shhhhh, shhh hold still Dark we're here. We're here you did good bro, a little too close to comfort but you did good." Dark tries to speak but moving his mouth even the slightest is too much of a task. He finally relaxes as the warmth of the white magic begins to heal his wound. He stops her before they seal it up completely, having a circle on his cheek imprinted with teeth marks. "I'll keep it like this as a reminder of that maniac. How is the girl?" Dark points over at Jade who is being carefully examined and healed. "Never mind her Dark, what can you tell us about these guys?" "They prefer dark meat, what the fuck do you think? I got distracted and they immediately jumped me." Snake nods and gives Dark a nice pat on his cheek and a harder slap causing Dark to wince. "Well that's it for now, I want everyone out here and back home where they belong. You got that?" He announces to remaining Wanderers, staring at the now restored Jade, then over to Mable, Ashlynn, Zephyr, and Leo.