Leon's mind was racing. Apparently this place was GM's personal base or something like that. There was still the question of how he managed to got in though; seeing as he was wondering how they got in and questioned about whether or not he locked the door, that logically meant that he didn't use said door himself. After all, if he had done so, then he would've seen the picked lock on it. That meant that he had some other ability to enter places, which in turn meant that not a single place in this entire area would be safe. Maybe GM's claim of godhood wasn't all that far-fetched after all. And to anger a god would be nothing short of suicide. Which left only one logical course of action... "We... got in through the front door," Leon said, his voice far more normal than it was mere minutes ago, although it did betray an obvious sign of nervousness. "I'm not sure where the others are at the moment though; the moment they helped me into this bed, I went out like a light. For all I know they're long gone, although I doubt they would leave me behind." He then fell silent, not knowing exactly how to continue.