[b]Name:[/b] Angelica Phoenix [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Appearance[/b]: [Hider= picture] [img] http://static-1.nexusmods.com/15/mods/120/images/8828-2-1251332000.jpg [/img] [/hider] [b]Biography:[/b] Angelica Phoenix was born in the black sky city known prewar as Flagstaff, Arizona. Now days, Flagstaff is the capital of the Legion. Her parents, despite being offer citizenship in the founding of the Legion, decided to leave for they saw what the legion would become. They took Angelica with them as they moved from place to place trying to stay one step ahead of the Legion's unstoppable and steady advance. Her parents finally reached the Mojove a few months before the first battle of hoover dam. They spent some time at the refugee camp in Bitter Springs before a both her parents fell victim to a sniper hiding in the hills near there. Angelica not wanting to stay in once place left after her parents died went to New Vegas. She hooked up with some NCR troopers on leave and made her way to the strip. However when passing through Freeside she came to the gates to the strips. Those scary looking one wheeled bots told her she could not enter without passing a credit check. She had but 20 caps on her at the time so she went to go find work. Fortunately she found work easily enough. She was hired by the Vangraffs. Apparently she was hired to replace someone known as "the courier" as the guard on the front door. Also, she was told her pretty face might bring in more costumers. She did not argue with the logic. She earned her pay guarding the door and for other services in the name of the Vangraffs. When the streets of Freeside erupted in violence when the Battle of the Hoover Dam began, Angelica did the stupidest thing someone could do, She stole from the Vangraffs and ran.She did not wait for the word that the NCR failed to hold the Dam. She knew the Legion, She knew what they would do the the Mojove, What they would do to her. So, in the Chaos of Freeside, she took what she could and headed for California. to avoid being recognized as a servant of the Vangraffs, She painted the black combat armor she wore a greyish white. To be honest she could care less about going to find this Sixth courier, She just wants to return home and her home is deep in Legion territory. Angelica Phoenix is a very patient and quiet woman who is always seems to be on a mission or trying to get somewhere. She tried to dodge any question about herself. As a rule, she is nice to everyone she meets until they show her that she should do otherwise. She never resorts to violence as her first option. However she is not naive enough to think violence will not solve problems. She hates to waste ammo needlessly. She takes the extra second to make sure she hits her target. [b]Specialization: [/b] Energy weapons, because of the Vangraffs' excellent training Survivalism, she has been running and living off the land most of her life Medicine, she knows her way around a doctors bag [b]Other: [/b] Ants- Do not let her see an Ant. She will freak. she is not normally trigger happy but her trigger discipline goes out the window at the sight of a single ant. [b]Weapon list[/b]: Laser rifle with night scope Plasma pistol proton axe