Ireth's night was uneventful. She could hardly sleep, excited at the idea of heading into the Keep. She was confident in her chance, now that she knew that other people were interested in traveling there as well. Ireth could manage to share the glory...what she was really worried about was whether she could succeed in staying alive. Despite digging around for information earlier, the Keep remained shrouded in mystery. During breakfast, Ireth watched curiously as a man made his way to the center of the room and began to speak. She listened intently as he spoke of what truly lies within the Keep and his warning of not going in alone. If there truly was something dark and powerful in that fortress...she can't take the chance of going in by herself. She wouldn't last a day. Luckily, other people were suggesting on heading towards the Keep together. Ireth stepped towards the group, making eye contact with the human she spoke with last night. "It would be wise to band together, I agree... There's strength in numbers."