As a web of fire surrounded him, Jacob braced himself, took a leap forward and jumped through it, towards the attacker, before it fully closed. When he was on the other side, bits of his flesh were seared and most of his hair was singed. Covering himself with healing energy, he made a few steps towards the fire-wielder and took a swing. As he did, however, he noticed the man make a grand leap and spin, tossing a javelin of ice into one of the many others who had suddenly entered the warehouse and joined the fight. Torn between helping the girl and continuing the fight, Jacob's choice was forced when the remaining two disappeared, seemingly in the blink of an eye. Replacing them was a torrent of metallic death falling from above. With little other choice, Jacob ran towards the girl, shielding his head and hoping whatever injuries he sustained would be manageable until he took care of the serious problem in front of him. Just who [i]were [/i] these people?! Grunting and shaking his head, he made his way over to the wounded girl, whose throat was pierced by the massive shard of ice. "Don't you worry, don't you worry, I've gotcha. This is gonna hurt, but you hafta tough it out, alright?" Grabbing the ice, Jacob snapped it at a thin portion near her neck, dragging the girl's unconscious body off the wall as he pulled the remaining bit of the javelin free. Sighing, he jerked the last bit of it out of her throat, a current of blood following after it. Instantly, tendrils of white energy made their way from Jason's body to hers, repairing the wound as best he could manage. The damage was extraordinary, but it was a relatively clean blow. Nothing like a bullet, which had the tendency to tumble and shred up a person's insides if it didn't have enough velocity to go out the other side. Meanwhile, he looked around, noticing that some others, including at least one of the Guardians who ad joined the fray, were also injured, and a young girl was treating the first girl who had been attacked. He recognized her, actually, Mable. She had potential and raw power, but lacked experience, not unlike himself. Jacob had some experience, but he was almost completely self-taught until recently.