[b][center]Mournhold[/b][/center] Beastmen, once having lived in Nomadic tribes, raiding and pillaging villages and towns, have been banded together by a Lord of the beasts. A horned man like beast going by the name of Shador, champion of the Beastmen brought together warbands and forged from them an army, unified under one banner. Hagur-Ur, the northernmost part of the known lands, an already barren land became the makings of an empire, an empire ruled by beasts. However, the intent of this army was to reach far further than Hagur-Ur. The gnarled grasp of the North slowly reaches outside of its domain, clawing at the civilizations of Man and all non-beast. As the tide of the North begins to sweep across the rest of the lands, Men, Elf and Dwarf prepare for battle against the unstoppable force that rises in the North. As the power of the Beastmen grow, members of all races, corrupted by power flock towards the North in aid and swearing allegiance to the Beastmen's cause in the deceitful promise of power. A council of the free-races has been drawn together with the intention of forming a band of heroes to take the fight directly to Shador, to the door-step of Hagur-Ur, and this is where your story begins... --- The idea behind this is to have an epic-quest style role-play. The plot will be fairly linear and will take part in a world I have been working on for a while. There may be opportunity for a more open free-roam style role-play (as I usually like to do), but for now it will follow a plot that will unravel as the role-play goes on. I won't go on for too long so if you're interested, show it here. As a note, be aware that the only races playable in this role-play will be Human, Elf, Dwarf and Wizard (yes, they're a race in this role-play, not a class).