I exit the dark corner and rushed over to Ashlyn and Mable. I checked up on Ashlyn, I knew a few basic things like pulse Ect but she seemed okay it looked like Mable had healed most of her. I summon Aeka I then ask her to give her a bit of extra strength by merging with Ashlyn I think it works when Ashlyn opens her eyes with a gasp of air. I Sat next to her and said softly: [b]“Ashlyn you’ve been hit pretty hard but we’re going to take you back to the academy now You’ll be safe there.”[/b] [i]I've never been very good at people skills[/i] I then turned to mable, I knew first-hand what a power drain can feel like Going over to her I checked she was alright. I had watched the whole thing go down and didn’t do a thing I guess I just didn’t want to use my powers. But I could’ve helped her she looked about my age and had my experience by the looks of things.[b]“C’mon Mable wake up C’mon your just drained, you’ll be fine in a couple of hours”[/b] As I was saying this I saw her open her eyes. [b]“That’s, good your safe now. I’m Leo from the academy you might have seen me around, I thought what you did was extremely brave.”[/b] I offer my hand to her [b]“When you’re ready we have to make our way back to the academy.”[/b]