Two figures stood at the bottom of the staircase, looking up at the academy. One was quite tall, actually. A good 6'5", but slight in frame and face. The other was a more average height, and slighter still in frame. The shorter one, who's name was Wilson, was slightly behind George. George looks down at him, and chuckles. "What's wrong?" Wilson shuffles a little closer to him, keeping his head down. "J-Just a little scared is all." George chuckles, and ruffles his hair. "It'll be fine. You'll do great." Wilson smiles shyly "T-thanks." George smiles back, and holds his hand out to him "Shall we?" "Together?" "Of course." Wilson takes his hand, and they start to climb up the steps. Halfway there George picks Wilson up, holding him in his arms until they get to the top, gently placing him back on his feet. Wilson was stuttering complaints about how unnecessary it was to do this all the while, embarrassment showing plainly on his face. George just grins and looks at the doors. "Well, here we go. No luck to wish i'm afraid." They both let out chuckles this time, and walk through the doors.