Donna saw that Naina has a point with the pointlessness of asking the same questions to anyone else around here but there is nothing else they can possibly do for now. She shifted Sandrock's main camera to the citadel, pointed by the Tallgeese. She caught a glancing view of the beam shot, implying someone is there and fired a shot. She zoomed in the camera to see where the beam came from but the camera could only show the exterior of the citadel. "I can't tell who fired the shot." She muttered. Instructor W spoke again. "We might as well investigate this citadel." He replied. "We should get going now if we want answers from something or someone there." He signalled Donna to get Sandrock moving to the Citadel. He oversaw his pupil returning the camera back to default before she got the Gundam. She lead the way, walking slowly and carefully, staying vigilant for any potential ambushes from the Coalition. The pilot and her mentor also examined the scenery further on the way to see if their eyes or minds are playing tricks on them and this is all a dream caused by a bump to the head. They stopped close to the citadel to see who's also there in the area as seen on their radar. They are unable to see anything so far thanks to part of the building blocking their sight. Instructor contacted Naina again to make sure she followed them without getting separated by accident. "Naina, can you see anything yourself?" He asked. "We're blocked by the architecture and can't see that well."