Name: Crunch Age: 17 Gender: Male Height: 5'7'' Weight:145 Description: A broad shouldered young man, dirty blond hair and dark brown eyes. He is built strong and tough from many years working in his families mines and forges, with a physique to match any warriors. Defining marks: A scar on his chin, going straight down just to the left of center, and a burn scar about the size of a hand on his left fore-arm. Personality: A straight forward young man, fairly no-nonsense. Not to say he has no sense of humor, it just doesn't much see the light of day. He has a great deal of focus, almost to a fault really. Once he gets started on a goal he may neglect other things in pursuit of it, but in that way you can depend on him to get something done to the best of his abilities and as soon as he possible can. He does have a strong sense of curiosity that can sometimes get in into a bit of trouble or in over his head. Bio: Crunch is from a large family, many brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and more cousins than anyone could count. They live together in a fairly large, if a bit worst for ware, family hall. The family trades are mining and blacksmithing, While he is handy at both jobs, he found her preferred mining to smiting. He enjoyed the somewhat adventurous aspect of searching for a vein of useful or precious materials and the satisfaction he got once he gathered all he could. One day, while tunneling on his own, he came across a hallowed tunnel that looked as if was crafted, not natural. He fallowed it, wondering who or what made something so deep into the earth, only to find large green dragon sleeping among large piles of emeralds. The dragon regarded Crunch threateningly, chasing him off but never venturing to far from his horde. Crunch, fascinated by the creature took to visiting him often, though he always made sure to mine up some emeralds to bring to the dragon as a peace offering. Eventually the dragon tolerated his presence the point where he didn't need to bring a offering. The would even mine together some times. During one of these times cave in accorded, instead of going to protect his horde, he protected crunch from the collapsing rocks. together they tunneled themselves out and have been together ever since. Dragon's name: Em(short for Emerald) Breed: Gem Horn Classification: Mountain Dragon ( or 'Boulder' if we are using the cannon classes ) Description:[hider=Gem Horn][img][/img][/hider] About the size of a rhino, The Gem Horn is primarily thought of as a 'ground' dragon, as it is most commonly encounter on the ground or on mountain sides. While it possess the ability to fly they are slow and clumsy in the air compared to most dragons, as it's wings and long tail are better suited for moving earth out of it's way than moving well in the sky. But on the ground few dragons are as sure footed and or dangerous. It limbs and wings have great raw strength, as it often prefers to climb it's way too high places rather than fly. When it digs it's itself into the ground it's notoriously hard to budge. It's scales are very hard, softest on it's belly, and the strongest on its horn. Their horns are rumored to be unbreakable as It uses it's horn to carve itself caves or tunnels in which to live. They have a love of gemstones, and their lairs are often filled with ones that match their scales in color that they mined themselves. Personality: Em can be a stubborn sort, even for Crunch. It enjoys rough housing with the stout young lad but can become protective of him like a mother over its young, especially if Crunch is vulnerable for any reason. She seems to look at Crunch more as her whelp than her partner. She has something of a haughty personality when it comes to everyone else or other dragons, and only seems to be more friendly with other Stone dragons.