After the interview concluded and documents were copied, the arcanists bade one of the guards attending the building to lead the trio to the training yards just north of the settlement, and deliver one set of the signed and sealed documents to a member of the military council. "Thanks for your help. Ask for Jorvan Ru'Cyphus or one of his aides when you get there. He is the one charged with testing and assigning new recruits. If you wish to serve together, just let him know and he will match you up with a few others he thinks will complement your skills." the first arcanist said before they departed. The training yard was a cleared field just north of Cloak Wood's structural perimeter. Several dozen soldiers, scouts and hunters could be seen sparring with various training weapons and honing their archery skills on straw stuffed targets, set up at various distances between the yard and the edge of the woods further north. Most of those visibly present were human, with smattering of other humanoid races in the mix, most of which consisted of halflings and dwarves. A few elves and a couple of gnomes could also be seen if one took the time to scan the yard. Under a pavilion tent set up between the town and the training yard, surrounded by a dozen soldiers tending to the supplies that were brought in by and sold from wagons used by the town's various vendors, one of Jorvan's aides briefed one of the newly formed patrols formed of four humans, a halfling and an elf.