For the first time Arkadi noticed another Varan. He wasn't too sure how he missed the other gigantic northerner, but he did and this other Varan delivered a dark message. The message spoke of the Keep and confirmed the fears of Arkadi, the fears of the dark and ominous evil that was waiting the group. The feelings inside of the Varan were quite conflicting, they spoke of fears of supernatural demons and evil beasts. However the contrasting thoughts told him to protect the group, it could lead to glory from the very gods themselves and perhaps he could make up for the tragedy that befell him at the Battle of the Southern Plains. In the end the thoughts of glory and the probability of making amends won over. [i] Perhaps,[/i] thought Arkadi, [i] I could learn more about Joric. It has been awhile since I've seen a Varan that wasn't haunting his dreams.[/i] The slightly morbid thought made Arkadi chuckle a little and he smiled a big smile. After the sneaky looking girl spoke up he took in a deep breath. In spite of the confirmation of evil the day was beautiful, perhaps it was the brightest light before dusk, but Arkadi wouldn't let that affect him. The Varan walked back inside and took a sniff of the smokey air, all he thought was odd before he paid for half a loaf of bread. On the way out the Arkadi almost forgot his cloak, [i] Am I getting old?[/i] he wondered. After almost forgetting his cloak he decided to pack it into his knapsack, afterward he slung his shield on his back and grabbed his large axe and began a jog at a decent pace. During his jog he began to softly sing an old sailing tune, it was lively and it matched the attitude of the day. It also kept his mind off of what he had lost and the future he was holding, namely demons and his wife. As Joric and his horse began to disappear along the horizon and another rider began to come from behind he took as small rest under a tree. Under the large shade the tree provided he took a sip of water and muttered to himself about the humid air. After his brief rest was finished Arkadi began his jog to Valuun's Keep.