I won't lie, I have had bad experiences with female partners. It doesn't bother me what roles they play, what bothers me is that the female partners I've had have been horrible with communication. Off the top of my head, I know for a fact that I've had 4 female roleplay partners that I know for sure were females in real life. One of those partners actually had two screen names and I roleplayed with both. That same partner ditched both roleplays without a word, and when I asked if everything was alright, I got no response. (I know it was the same person because they slipped in their post and used the character names of the first roleplay we had together.) I don't nag. I ask once if everything is alright, and if I get no response after another week I consider it dropped. Out of the other three female partners, the other two disappeared without a word as well. Out of all four, only one actually informed me that she was dropping because she lost interest in the story. I rarely have that problem with my male partners. Plus, my male partners have always been great about OOC chat. They talk about what they want to add or change about the story, and almost always add something to help things move along. The female partners I've had, I ended up carrying quite a bit of the story. I don't mind it, but really, what's the point in writing with someone if they don't want to throw in ideas? It's boring for them and tiring for me. However, I will say that the female partners that I had were great writers, all things considered. I was truly sad to lose the stories. It's just their flightiness that ruined it for me.