[b]Name:[/b] Jack 'Grease' Heying [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://www.thevideoink.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/ChesterSee3-2.jpg] Grease is fairly tall, and lanky. He has some muscle, thanks to his running habits, but he won't be bench pressing insane weights anytime soon. He tends to wear loose cargo pants, a comfortable pair that doesn't interfere with his running. He dresses plainly, a white t-shirt, topped with a leather jacket. He wears a simple military cap, made of black cloth, nothing fancy, just something for the rain. On his leather jacket is a small pin, a black background, with a hand in a snapping motion inscribed on it. [b]Side:[/b] inFamous [b]Personality:[/b] Grease is condescending, and has a rather short fuse when it comes to just about anything. He has a sick sense of humor, and blatantly abuses his powers, taking advantage of poor civilians. [b]Biography:[/b] For most of his life, Jack didn't know he was a conduit. For 17 years, he had miraculously managed to avoid coming in any direct contact with asphalt. He didn't drive often, instead he biked around, as it was New York, so the streets weren't a pretty picture. However, Jack and his brother took their biking trips often. One day, his life changed. While biking, he was knocked over by a man, and that man was in quite a rush to get away from the police. Jack landed in the street with a thud. However, as he attempted to get up, his hands pressed against the warm asphalt, and a miracle happened. As he got up, yellow light spiraled around his arms and up his legs. He was so awestruck, he didn't notice the speeding semi until the last second. Without much more than a thought, Jack was somehow off of the road. Confused, dazed on the sidewalk, he tried to take a step closer to the sidewalk, only to lurch forward in a supersonic sprint. After learning to control his powers, he did his best to keep them under wraps, as people weren't too big a fan of BT's back then. However, as time went on, things got better, and Jack didn't have to worry about staying low anymore. He felt good. He felt free. His first encounter with the Syndicate wasn't exactly fun. Grease was working with a group of other inFamous conduits, who had given him his nickname. However, the Syndicate had made short work of quite a few of his group members. It was terrifying, especially when one of his mates was captured right in front of him. From that day on, he swore hatred towards the Syndicate. [b]Power:[/b] Asphalt [b]Powers:[/b] Speed: Grease can run at amazing speed, even by Conduit standards. This speed is enhanced even more by being in contact with asphalt. This allows him to run for short amounts of time on bits of tar thrown by his tar shot. Tar Pit: Grease can melt the asphalt in the roads, good for stopping cars, or less likely- people. It can only be done while in contact with asphalt. Tar Shot: Grease can, as an extension of tar pit, launch molten tar at foes, effectively slowing/trapping them. He's also told that it hurts. Pot Holes: As long as he is physically touching the asphalt of a road, he can manipulate it, supposing he focuses enough. This allows him to create road blocks, pillars, etc.