(I think I kept it within reason, let me know if it needs to be changed in anyway) Name: Zen Ian Yasashiku (Nickname is Kuso due to his personality) Age: 17 Gender/Sex: Male/Male (Including both for political-correctness) Height: 208 Weight: 68kg Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Amber Blood Type: A- In Depth Physical Description: [hider=Zen][IMG]http://s3.zerochan.net/Noro.King.240.511746.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Personality: Zen is a person who believes he needs to be self-sufficient and shouldn’t rely on others more than he needs to. He’s normally irritated about one thing or another and believes actions speak louder than words. Zen is normally silent but unfortunately it’s not out of shyness or a desire for solitude; when Zen speaks openly his words are normally harsh and generally hurtful. He lobs insults like their normal greetings and isn’t ashamed to be rude to end a conversation and can sound generally selfish. Thankfully his heart is as big as his mouth and contrary to his irritated outside he has a soft heart and would carry a stranger across fire and brimstone if need be, though he would complain the entire time. He can’t stand this side of himself and seeks to make himself more heartless, due to his conscience however he’s unable to do so and finds it difficult to ignore someone in need. He’s more focused on his own affairs than that of others so war’s and the such are ‘a waste of time’ to him. Origins: Japanese-American (Geographically speaking) History/Bio: Zen grew up in Kyushu born to a Japanese father and American mother, he learned more about American culture due to the influence in the area from a young age thus English became his first language, even his middle name came from his mother’s father. His father however wanted to instill his culture into him so he taught him Japanese and showed him what he was able to. Due to unfortunate circumstances Zen’s father left his mother when he was young and his mother put more focus into her own career as he went into middle school. Zen grew distant with his mother during this time and thanks to a mix of suppressed emotions and confusion Zen became easily irritated and got into fights and generally made more enemies than friends in the neighborhood and school. His mother did what she could to intervene but their relationship only seem to sour as time went by, Zen often came home to an empty home and spent a majority of his time alone, it got to a point where he would look at his mother and saw only a stranger. Eventually he was sent to live with his aunt by his mother in Shikoku who he became close to through their time together. After transferring schools he tried to be more behaved both in and out of school to avoid trouble with his aunt but old habits died hard for him and not being fluent in Japanese made it harder as half the time he couldn’t communicate properly. He doesn’t speak of his time from middle to high school as he has more demons than he cares to admit during it. His aunt helped him adjust to Shikoku and finished teaching where his father stopped. At his aunt’s mention he attended Shirasagi high. Combat Style: Zen has a mix of medium and heavy attacks; his movement is slow due to the force he puts behind his attacks however. He’s a dirty fighter more than willing to throw sand in someone’s eyes, smack them with the nearest object he can find, kick them while their down etc. endurance is the only thing he really has going for him as he prefers getting up close and personal. He’s willing to take a small hit if he can get a big hit in, he focuses on crippling his enemy or at least making them stagger, the moment he gains the upper hand he puts his full force into his attacks inflicting as much damage as possible in the small window he has. The only weapon that interests him is a scythe due to it’s peculiar shape and use but since obtaining one is pretty much impossible a lead pipe get’s the job done just as well. Extra Information: Zen has an unnatural obsession with cats, especially kittens; he can’t stand other animals in any form however. He’s a smoker but being a student he keeps such things to himself except when he has to obtain more. His favorite color is Orchid, he’s speaks fluent English and is experienced in Japanese, however as he doesn’t care much for the language he tends to be lazy with it so it’s not surprising for him not to follow all the rules of it. (he might not call a sempai by their title for example). He has a soft spot for kids and enjoys fishing.