[quote=ShonHarris] So Syrian, should I keep with my interest in this, my CS created a half tribal, half otherwise character. I named the tribe and described them as friendly enough rather than villianizing a group viewed as 'savage'. How do you see such a character fitting into this modified world? [/quote] I'm sorry, in my haste to get this off the production line and moving, I've left out a few details. There are several camps and villages scattered within the UTF's borders; some of them are autonomous and are left alone because they serve no strategic or economic purpose, whilst others have either joined or been forced to join the UTF. Your character could come from one of these lesser villages or camps, and their tribe's alliegence to the UTF can be up to you to decide. However, I imagine that as the UTF keeps them safe, the tribe would atleast send some of its warriors to the Independence mustering point to ensure its own survivial, let alone the UTF's. Failing that, your tribe may have settled in Rockhelm, with many other tribal refugees. The town itself is still very set in its tribal ways, but differs from the 'savages' by having adopted the limited laws and human rights that all UTF members must adhere to. It is a boiling pot of cultures, which often causes trouble on the street. Annnnd to clarify, not all of the savages are soulless murderers. Its the term used to describe them; the UTF attempts to build a civilisation based on laws and rights, the savages wonder around with no purpose beyond surviving, and the wealth of their UTF neighbour often gets them riled up. Hope this helps. ---------------------- On another note, if this has put people off, I'm happy to stand back and let someone else take a swing.