Daniel couldn't believe it, but there was something odd. Something seemed out of place, he slowly moved his hands up to his head and noticed that there was something. Slightly afraid, guessing what it is he looked in the mirror once again... "Are those bunny ears? Agh! I should be carefull, those seem to be quite sensitive..." he muttered, after he turned around and checked his back he continued "I even have a tail like a bunny. W-What is this kind of sorcery!?". Then he stood up and walked to the table, there was a paper... [i]'Ayumi Kurosaki, 18, Moon-rabbit, Student...'[/i]. "Moon-rabbit? A school? Seriously?" he said, but there was a slight problem, now that he is in Ayumi's body he would have to dress like her... "Could this get even worse?..." he mumbled as he kneeled down and laid his head on the table.