Andrew let out a loud yawn as he awoke on his couch. He scratched his head as he looked out his window, admiring the midday sun. Because of his job, he would often sleep until the middle of the day so that he wouldn’t be tired by the time his shift at the casino started. “Good morning world” He said in a flat tone as he stretched and searched for his clothes. ‘Morning to yourself’ the ever familiar voice in his head said cheerfully. Andrew couldn’t help but sigh at the enthusiasm. ‘What is the plan for today?’ Seven asked as Andrew finally found his pants and slipped them on. “We are going shopping, and we might see if we bump into anyone of interest” Andrew said as he glanced down to the phone on the coffee table. He was determined to win this so called Survival Game. He slipped on his shirt and buttoned it up before grabbing his phone and flicking through the choices for today. Seemed like nothing too difficult, so he decided that no real preparation was required. He slipped it into his pocket before grabbing one of the decks of cards from the shelf next to his door. He made sure he had his wallet, his keys, and his special deck of cards he kept for a dangerous situation. Metal coated corners made them basically a weapon, but they were only for protection in case he ran into a diary user. With a nod he opened his door and locked it behind him, heading down the stairs. His destination was a grocery shop; he was low on supplies, like beer and instant noodles. ‘So are we going to kill someone?’ Seven asked, sounding a little worried as they made their way down the street. “We might” Andrew answered as he scratched his head and tried to remember which way the grocery store was. He was not in any rush to win the game. No that would just make him a more obvious target. His plan was to take things slow and find out the identities of the holders to pick them off one by one. It seemed like a good plan to him. ‘But what if the person isn’t a diary user?’ Seven asked. “Then we don’t kill them” Andrew answered in a sarcastic tone. He was unaware that he was actually answering out loud at the time. ‘So where do we start?’ Seven asked as Andrew turned corner after corner, not having any idea where he was going. Andrew refused to answer out of pure frustration. His mind had been on the game, not where he was walking. “Why the hell am I at the park!?” He yelled as he looked around. Somehow he had mistaken the simple walk from his place to the shop with the walk to central park. ‘Calm down’ Seven said in a soothing tone ‘Maybe we should just relax here for a few minutes, give us a chance to plan out the diary.’ With a sigh Andrew sat down on one of the benches and pulled out his phone, going through the entries and picking cards to determine the answers. He muttered aloud as he read the choices, simple things like “Go home or go to the shops? Eat pizza or a burger?” But it was best to plan things out so if he did run into a player, he would be able to have a bit of an advantage.