Allen moved down the hall the first thing he saw was jack barely standing in water and his own blood with the exploded corpse of some monster next to him, Jack was wounded badly and much more would kill him, Allen knew this for a fact and without any warning his whole body covered in glowing energy, "Get away from my friend!!!" Allen charged his beam and real eased it burning the creatures arm badly but this thing was faster than he expected, a spike impaled Allen through the chest. Allen let out a surprised gasp as the air escaped his lungs from the force. Allen lost his balance and fell slightly melting the ground where he had landed. Allen was bleeding the spike was close to his heart, he knew he was more than likely going to die but he forced himself to blast the creatures skull melting its whole head, Allen laid back after that slipping in and out of consiouness, " me a favor okay...when you get back home...look up Helen Willows...I don't think I'll be seeing my wife again..." He started coughing hard, "She deserves to know what happened..." Allen was barely awake, "so close..."