Andreios looked down at the girl with a small smirk, "No, I won't 'tattle' on you Ava. I don't like doing anything if I don't benefit from it. Feel free to unload your thoughts on me." He looked ahead again, pausing for a moment, thinking carefully about what to say about this business of love. What advice could he give that would matter in the end? Should he simple go ahead and tell her his opinion, or say something simply to comfort her. "I don't believe people fall out of love, because if it was love that two people felt for another something like that wouldn't happen. However, I do believe, even if two people love each other, they could learn to love another, and let go of the said first one. For example, a widower may remarry and love his new wife as fiercely as the last one, or one can leave a loved one because it is best for themselves or their partner. Love is a broad term and can be defined many ways. When I was younger I worked under a rather pessimistic woman who claimed love was the most selfish emotion, and in her own right she is completely correct. It can be, two people in love are more than willing to destroy all stability around them and others so they can be with another. However, I think that is what selfish people do with love. But whatever love is, I don't believe anyone marries for love. When two people join together its for alliances, status change, and wealth. If they are lucky, they will love afterwards. And if they don't, well they either learn to live with it, or don't. Perhaps your parents couldn't learn to live comfortably with one another, but that doesn't mean you'll end up like them. I don't think your governess meant happiness in marriage, but rather status. In that regard, it is true that it is difficult for a child to do better than their parents these days, especially for males. I can't marry into higher status as easily as a woman could. And given my current position I couldn't, even given the opportunity. I wholly believe that who ever you marry will treat you as a precious treasure, I can't possibly see it ending up any other way."