[quote=HazmatMedic] I'll edit the list now. Anyone in the list can post IC whenever they want. [/quote] Where is said list? Edit: [Quote=ASTA]The problem with random events is that they rely on the one administrating them (in the case of this RP, that person being you) to know the ins and outs of the nation (s) that they're going to impact. For example, if you say that a random barbarian horde penetrates the yul's rain forest home, lays waste to some tree-top villages and then leaves with 2,000 slaves, I'd seriously question how this was done without the yul themselves first realizing that A) the barbarians were in the rain forest to begin with, B) how they weren't slaughtered by the abundance of either traps or armed persons laced throughout the yul's controlled areas or C) how the barbarians even knew they were there to begin with. [/Quote] I agree at first I didn't. But to even step foot on the mountain would spell death for those who tried to invade. My people are like stealthy ants constantly moving about the mountain doing what they're clan wills.