Leon was on deck, just behind the cabin, he was sitting down, covered from the sea breeze that was blasting past them as they sped along their course. A pair of binoculars lay by his side as he made several attempts to light a cigarette. After a few minutes he had his nicotine fix, he gave the cigarette a pull. He exhaled, the smoke pouring from his nose as he stepped back up, grabbing the binoculars. He had them to his face, scanning for silhouettes on the horizon, 'Not a thing...' he thought to himself. Leon sat the binoculars down on an outcropping of metal, and took the cigarette from his mouth and yelled out to Alice. "Its to bloody quiet! Oi've got ah bad fock'n feeling Alice!! How do y'ah feel about it!?" He yelled as loud as he could, hoping the woman could hear him over her loud ass music he knew she was listening to. He brought the cigarette back, took a drag, the tip glowing brighter and smoke spilled from his nostrils a second later. If anything she could see he was saying something if she'd look up from her damned card game.