[quote=Alfhedil] Trust absolutely factors, how else are these "Random" events to be truly random? Random events also do fuck-all to make the story more relatable. If people can't honestly make their nations more relatable by doing these things on their own, then they need to learn how. As ASTA said, we're all experienced NRPers here, and we should know how to make our nations look more realistic and relatable. Random events are never the way to do this, as that requires a great deal of trust in the GM, and a truly impartial party to level these random events.That's the bottom-line here, in that random events benefit no one, in either story or game, and are best left as they were. Just someone's thought for the RP. If this was a trait-based and statistic-driven NRP, then yeah, you lot would have a fair point in Random events, but as it stands, the RP is NOT a stat-driven RP, and it is NOT a trait-based RP. [/quote] I for one, trust the GM. He's the GM after all.