The reaction was immediate. Before Tobias could even catch up, the man took the girl in his arms, looking to the weeping Pokemon. "It's alright little one. I'll help her," he offered in a hushed tone. While the thought crossed his mind to pat the Pokemon in a comforting gesture, he decided against it- the creature was distressed, and it might not take kindly to strangers, even strangers that were helping. Slowly he stood, but realized there was hardly any strain at all. This wasn't right. Even with her small size... this was worse than he thought. Tobias didn't even reach the place where the man had gone when he saw him again, holding no one other than the girl who had saved him, only to rob him herself. The man had a panicked look on his face, and Tobias could only stand aside as he ran by. "We have to help her!" the man called, prompting Tobias to follow. The man noticed how dry her mouth was- when was the last time this girl had eaten?