A lot of things happened in rapid succession. For one, the Cyrus guy defeated the heavily-armored guard. Right after that, some guy have created an earth pillar to help RIley and David bust down the door, only for the cowardly girl from before to suddenly do a 360 personality-wise, and, using some sort of gravity or telekinesis, trap Cyrus in one spot, and the force from that pushed back against everyone else. And, for the millionth time that day, Payne was pissed. [b]"You have your fucking priorities wrong."[/b] The being's deep, disembodied voice growled out in a choked tone, as Payne burst from the forceful bubble that pinned him to the wall, cracking the steel floor under him with every stomp towards the door. After a few seconds, he completely shook away the gravitational aura that had surrounded him. As he moved forward at a swift pace, his arms easily pulsed with fleshy power, transforming into two gigantic fists made of pulsing black and red steel-like biomass. Payne brushed past the lady rudely and walked over to the massive steel door, seeing that it was close to breaking. "Move back." He said to Riley, before twisting on his feet, the momentum causing his gigantic fists to crash into the door with a loud, audible 'BANG'. The steel bent like wood, crashing inwardly and forcing a giant hole into the material.