[b]Carbombya: An Untimely Revelation[/b] Inside his Chronoframe, Rastun jolts back in shock. The so-called Joe Convoy is actually Megatron?! Or at least [i]a[/i] Megatron. That name is often synonymous with warmongering and carnage, striking terror into most anyone who opposed him. His Decepticons warred with the Autobots for [i]millions[/i] of years, making the human factions of Earth look peaceful and subdued in comparison. In short, Megatron is not a figure to be taken lightly, and anyone with that name should be kept on a very tight leash. Which begs the question of what precautions Brainwave has taken. "Brainwave, explain. Now. Why did you bring along a Megatron and what kind of measures have you taken to keep him in line? I realize we're in desperate times, but having a Megatron, with the same kind of technology you have, as an assistant is asking for disaster. "And if there's anything else you're hiding from me, now would be the time to tell."