Haha =D okay! Halv, do you want me to use my female genin instead or are you okay with an all male team? =P While I like both I do think Nori is more interesting a sense, I leave the final decision up to you. =) I will update Nori's weapons later if he is chosen. I am quite happy with Miki's set. [hider=Female Genin] Appearance Older Miki [img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1300415-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] Younger Miki (Aged 12) [img] http://31.media.tumblr.com/d27fb1b9dd8ed84b6a13f7ea18e6f656/tumblr_mfynhwch4m1s0m5cyo1_500.jpg [/img] Name: Miki Muira Epithet: Little Monkey, Sleepy Head Gender: Female Age: 12 Jutsus: Chakra Dispersion Techniques Spring Blossom Blowing and scattering this cherry blossom pink powder in the air releases a strong honey scented vapor. When inhaled it causes the blood to flow faster resulting in an uncharacteristic blush. It is actually a mild stimulant but in large doses it can cause hyperventilation and dehydration (due to hyper stimulation of the sweat glands). A badly mixed powder will release an equally sweet smelling vapor that induces hysterical laughter to all those who inhale it. The longer you laugh the greater the chances of you losing your voice for the next few days. Literally you are laughing till you become hoarse. Miki unwittingly used this failed mixture a few minutes prior to the final exam resulting in a postponement of the exam. Cat Skip The ability is the reason why Miki is called Little Monkey. She is able to super charge her hands and feet (shoes) with chakra that allows her to climb and walk on water at astonishing speeds. Nothing makes her happier than sitting in the trees and pelting passers-by with tiny stones or acorns. Fighting Style: A hybridized form of Ninjutsu and Genjutsu that works in synchrony with taijutsu. Field of Specialty: Ninjutsu Weapons + Light leather belt with a number of small pouches containing a variety of dried herbs and pills. + A wooden cudgel that she often uses to playfully hit her classmates. + A pair of claws that she has never bothered practicing with. + A pair of heavy bangles that is worn around her wrists for balancing practice. + A medium sized knife that is sheathed. It is often slung against her back. The handle is at the height where she can grab it easily. + A smaller knife that is kept within her main pouch. It is sharper than the medium sized knife and it is used to cut delicate leaves. + A coil of trip wire. Personality Miki is the sleepiest child you have ever met. She is often caught dozing off in class. Even standing in front of the class will not stop her from nodding off after a few minutes. For someone so sluggish most of the time she is not easily fooled. Somehow or other (if she is awake) she is able to tell when someone is lying or trying to deceive her. The teachers have yet to fool her with a clone. When alert she is energetic and loves climbing up trees and buildings. She is often seen playing on the monkey bars or calling out to her classmates from the roof of the Academy buildings. She loves challenging them to come and get her. When it rains she is seen dancing out in the streets without an umbrella. Underneath the exuberance is a happy child who is one with the world. Little can shake her up because she knows that these events won't last forever. No matter what she is feeling she will still take time to observe what is happening around her especially the natural environment. History Miki’s mom mans a sweet shop not too far from the village itself. Being alone is something Miki is accustomed to since her family consists of only two people – mommy and her. She literally grew up playing in the forests. When she isn't in the forest, she is seen climbing up the trees around the village. Attending classes was not her priority and teachers have often complained with no avail to her mom about Miki always being tardy. Her mother seems to find it amusing and blames it on Miki having nightmares that keeps her up regularly. Despite her mom not being a kunoichi Miki is on par with her class when it comes to basic ninja techniques. There are even things she is excelling in. Her knowledge about plants and flowers is exceptional. Others Miki started using a strange technique which she originally called Sakura Blossom a few months before the final exam. It seemed far too advanced for genin to have invented. The girl refuses to tell them who taught her that skill. Miki loves singing but she always tends to sing some nonsense song or other. This girl has a gift of precognition (note gift not talent) that is not developed. The visions often come to her in her sleep, and she does not always remember them. Seldom will her dreams revolve around upcoming battles. Usually they focus on people and understanding their motives. Life and death are wonderful mysteries to her. She treasures every moment with the living and she chooses to remember rather than mourn the dead. Miki is definitely one who doesn't fear death. She can be seen in the cemetery cleaning out forgotten graves and placing fresh flowers on them. Her visits tend to happen at the start of the new season e.g. when spring changes to summer. Her mother doesn't always accompany her during these excursions. She has no trouble killing rabbits and other animals if food is required. She is pretty good at trapping and fishing. In fact she knows how to get fat fish to sate her hunger. Unlike most kunoichis in her class Miki enjoys wearing dresses with or without tights. Her favorite accessory is an unusual poncho made from deer skin. None of the shops in Kirigakure sells it so everyone assumed that her mother bought it from a travelling merchant.[/hider]