Jon watched as Wes walked away and a couple of others came up to him and Jon was cordial to them as he began to sip on a Gin & Tonic. However in the back of his mind he remembered the time in college when he stood his ground. It almost backfired and nearly cost him everything in a class that was crucial for him in terms of graduating. Her name was Penelope Rogers and she had the talent to make it in show business. She was beautiful and charming on every level, sadly though Penelope had one fatal flaw. All it took was one drink and she was 180 degrees from beautiful and charming. Jon was in a theater group and everyone warned him about Penelope in that she was high risk high reward. This was a project everyone needed to do well on in order to graduate and that playing it safe was what was called for. Jon though dug in and fought for Penelope and eventually they went along with him.. Penelope was everything everyone wanted in a colleague. She was on time, ready to go, and took direction without an issue. Then came the night of the performance and Penelope was no where to be seen. Until about five minutes before the project was due to start and she showed up; bombed out of her skull. If she went on stage in that condition Jon and company were dead in the water. Luckily for them Jon had talked to the Stage Manager and got her to read up on Penelope's part, and he worked with her privately as an understood. Mary Taylor pulled off the part brilliantly and saved everyone's grade. If it wasn't for that they all would've failed because they were responsible for each other's conduct. Wes had a reputation as being a rather extreme method actor, and at times being semi-unpredictable as result. That was one of the unwritten rules of why people shied away from working with him. Jon though felt there was a brilliance to his madness and Paddy was the part to catapult from working/well-known actor to bankable superstar. Where Jon really saw this brilliance he couldn't pin-point it, but Jon could feel it as though it were a tangible item. He watched Wes and then walked away outside to the pool area. He finished his drink and put the glass out on a table. Jon took a long look at the pool and finally he said, "Springsteen is right. It takes a leap of faith to get things going." Jon smiled broadly, put his phone and wallet under a rock behind some bushes, and full dress he executed a perfect head first dive.