[Hider=Chapters] Prologue - The Bloody Day [URL=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/26756/posts/ic?page=3]Chapter 1 - What Remains After That Cold Fateful Day[/URL][/Hider] [youtube]jr9kO9Jlx7c[/youtube] It is the year 71 of the Cosmic Era: Tensions are mounting between Earth and the ZAFT organization. Due to the Bloody Valentine Tragedy, these tensions suddenly escalated into a full-scale war between both ZAFT and OMNI Enforcer. It seemed a foregone conclusion that the Earth Forces, with its superior numbers, would be victorious. But these initial assessments proved to be false: almost 11 months have passed since the conflict began... with no end in sight. The escalating conflict has caused endless strife amongst the populaces of both sides with the exploitation of coordinators being a major point in this war. Most coordinators look down on the naturals whom 'plague' the Earth while the coordinators are being discriminated against for not being 'purely bred'. It is these discriminations that continue to fuel the war while other factors play tribute it is mostly a war of discrimination. However a number of elite pilots have been chosen by ZAFT and OMNI Enforcer alike, for one goal: Destroy the other side. With tensions running high Earth Alliance has been working with the neutral faction known as ORB...or at least a part of it to develop mobile suits to defend Earth against the invaders. ORB Senior Leader Richard Preston has openly given free access to Coordinators and with their abundance of resources have made it a very popular escape for people of all colors, races, and genetic types. However ORB itself is considered a free nation and a neutral one on top of that and has actively opposed to the militant counterparts in ZAFT and OMNI. However things seem to be pulling ORB Into the crossfire as news of the attacks near Helioplis are heard on Onogoro Island where a ORB military outpost is stationed ready to guard against the war. There is a small city also on the island making it an important location for ORB. The secret shared by the rogue ORB faction and their OMNI Enforcer allies are about to come to ahead. However something is about to happen there that will change the face of the Bloody Valentine War forever.. === The bright sunny day was as clear and as beautiful as always. It was his day off at the military base and Richard Stone was preparing to do his usual things he did when the day was off. Go out to eat with a couple of his fellow soldiers. Richard was smiling at himself in the mirror as he tugged as his military coat. While it may be his day off he took pride in his appearance as a soldier for ORB. It was difficult to adjust to at first having to learn Japanese rather quickly but he had gotten use to it and it helped that many of the people here spoke English as well. It was that small comfort that had made him love this island so much. Of course his uncle was still a pain especially since he was off boozing nearly every night despite being a important scientist. It was like the man had a clockwork liver...Richard sighed deeply and shook off his thoughts about Uncle Stan and thoughts about his friends. Yuri Kobashi, Toyo Edo, and Satsuki Makunouchi were his closest friends and his most cherished companions in this city. The three had been transferred here around the same time and had been dubbed the misfits by their commanding officer Sendo Tachibana 'The Scourage of the East'. The nickname was given due to his overbearing attitude. After quickly putting on his tie cap and spitting out the mouth wash he had been swishing around in his mouth he calmly walked out of the door after checking his cellphone for any messages from his friends. There were none so he decided that he would send one to them on the way there. Not that he expected a reply from Toyo...the lazy bastard was sometimes more trouble than he was worth.