It's now evening in the forest and Saito is getting cold.The diary is not updating then he saw a light,it's a flashlight.He did not think to approach the light because it might be his uncle or an another diary holder so he looked at his diary."That is your uncle run!" is written on the diary.Saito ran and he got noticed."There you are!" said by his uncle and pulled the trigger.Saito was lucky to dodged the bullet and fear filled his heart.His uncle is carrying a gun and he have no choice but to fight so he relied on the diary."Your uncle is gonna shot again in 8'o clock" He looked at his back then dodged the shot.He hide on the tree."Your uncle is coming at your right side" written on the diary.He waited for his uncle to come and he grabbed a branch then hit his uncle on the back with it and his uncle fainted.Saito grabbed the gun and shot him to death. BANG!...... BANG!...... BANG!...... *click**click* Saito was covered in blood.He returned to his home to get a shovel then returned to dig a hole for his uncle along with the gun.After all of that, he returned home playing video games.