[b]Eventually[/b] Aaron Gentles stared at his viewscreen, a by now familiar blond asshole smirking back at him. "Gentles!" Azrael began, "It's been awhile! Glad you're keeping in touch!" He shouted with an overbearing eagerness. The guild tech just stared back blankly, unaffected by the other man's apparent cheer, "So. What do you want?" "Are you familiar with the Ame-no-Mihashira?" "No." "How about the Sahaku family?" The latter question elicited a raised eyebrow, "I am...familiar with the name." Gentles replied flatly, a barely noticeable tension entering the man's voice. On the other side of the Earth Sphere, Azrael nodded, "Good. Considering your...rather colorful history, it'd be a bit of a shame if you hadn't picked up on it." The racists smirk stretched into a leer, "How would you like to have some revenge?" The engineer's expressionless mask fell away completely as his eyes narrowed, "Cut to the chase, Azrael." "The Ame-no-Mihashira is an ORB production satellite. It's controlled by the Sahaku family...who's only remaining scion is on site, running the whole operation." "I'm listening, however, I'm not entirely interested in killing off the family, when they had nothing to do with-" "The one in charge of the whole operation is the twin of the man that killed your adoptive family. And from what I hear, she's completely unrepentant for the crimes of her brother." "..." The two blondes watch one another warily, the lanky engineer leveling an intense glare at the foppish politician's smirking face. "...I'll do it." Gentles finally said, breaking the silence. "Good." Azrael snorted, apparently satisfied, "Did I mention that it's a mobile suit production facility of the highest order?" Gentles turned a questioning glance towards the man, "Explain." Azrael shrugged, "With the self-destruction of their Morgenroute facilities, the Ame-no-Mihashira is ORB's most advanced remaining industrial complex. It's actually pretty comparable to our own Detroit Industrial Zone, if I'm being generous." The Chairman of Blue Cosmos smirked, "Capture the facility intact, and you can consider it to be your payment for both this job and your last one." Gentles nodded, "...I hope you're not holding any information back. And even if I'm by myself, the facility is likely to be fortified." Azrael turned away, looking to something outside of the viewscreens range, "Actually, you won't be going alone. We've hired...top men to assist you in this." "...?" "Oh, don't worry. They were just fine with money, Gentles. Besides, it simply wouldn't do if we squandered this chance to have a production facility of that caliber completely off the books available for making...certain orders of a private nature." "I understand." "See that you do." Azrael nodded, satisfied, "Bye for now." He finished flippantly, making an exaggerated waving motion as the connection terminated. With a sigh, Aaron Gentles stood up, and went to go take a money bath.