In contrast to her crewmates, Krista was having a blast. Granted, that was probably because she had her laptop out and was watching ludicrous amounts of pornography. [i]They[/i], however, didn't have porn. Ergo, they were bored. Made sense. The six foot tall Australian woman leant against one of the torpedo carriers along the side of the ship a bit further down from where Leon was, and was staring intently at the video on her laptop screen. She wasn't really making any particular effort to hide what she was doing either, as Leon would only have to step a little to the left to get a pretty good idea who was having anal sex with who. She could have been doing something productive, like trying to read a novel or developing her language skills some more, but the problem with that was is delved too far into her incredibly necessary porn watching time. She only wrenched her eyes away when she heard the man's distinct accent call out that he had a 'bad feeling'. He was pretty rapidly put down by Fritzy. "Don't worry, Leo!" she said, raising her voice to be heard over the raging winds, and intentionally leaving out the 'n' at the end of his name. She had a light Australian accent, but it was not exactly pronounced -- the time spent speaking other languages along with her stay in Roanapur had considerably worn it down. "Just calm down and watch porn!" she lifted her laptop in the air, screen facing them. The screen went black. Krista blinked and brought it back down. She blinked again and realised with [i]complete and utter horror[/i] that it had run out of batteries. "[i]Fuck![/i] Now I'm bored." She turned back to her crew mates. "Could somebody please shoot someone?" she said, half-jokingly.