The girl blinked, before shrugging slightly and taking the Professor's hand. She stood, wobbled and frowned, before regaining her balance. The Liepard stayed right at her side, to help her walk. "I guess I'll go, if there's going to be food. I'll eat anything. Well, except Pokemon food. I'm not picky like that, it's just I tried it and it... didn't end well." She started to walk unsteadily toward the elevator. In her mind, Tobias' words were tumbling around and around. Would he really have gotten her something? She honestly didn't believe it. He was saying that now, but if she and Luna had just walked up to him, he probably would have ignored them completely, or reacted with fear. She'd learned a long time ago that you had to take what you needed, because no one was going to hand it to you. "What do you do here, anyway?" That question was directed toward the Professor, as she leaned against the wall that housed the elevator. There was a faint sheen of sweat on her face, just from that brief walk. (I'll be gone until Sunday/early Monday, have a good weekend!)