In the distance outside of the gates of the military base there was an SUV going very fast, inside was a man and his daughter the young girl had been bitten and was about to turn soon. A man from the military grabbed a megaphone. "Stop the vehicle or be shot!" He yelled, suddenly there was blood splatter on the windshield of the oncoming car it started to pickup speed and the men were ordered to open fire and the gunshots become more rapid then before. The SUV suddenly drove through the main gate running over a civilian killing the person instantly, the walkers then used that time and started pouring into the military base grabbing hold of anyone that was close and bit them. Sophia and Katelyn heard the gunshots coming more rapidly then they had been before. "Stay here okay Kate?" Sophia reached out to grab her older sister's hand and shook her head. "No i'm coming with you." She said, Sophia sighed and shook her head she was always stubborn before finally relenting and nodded. "Okay stay close." Sophia said as she headed out, and saw a girl and two boy heading into the tent next to them, in the distance a few feet away from the main gate plumes of smoke started to rise, and then she could see some of the soldiers backing away still firing their weapons.