"Hmmm...?", Necrox asked himself as he saw something. What he saw was a girl and a flying squid riding an electric hawk or something. "I see... she's somewhat different. Let's keep trail of her for now.", he said, putting his hand in the back of his head. From his scarlet hair, he removed an amethyst. The jewel, suddenly, raised his wings and opened its red eyes. "How are you, Prince Necrox?", the creature asked. "If it isn't my loyal Familiar, Praeminister... Hurry, let's go after them.", he said. They soon started to fly after the girl. *Praeminister is a Familiar, which is a magical spirit or embodiment that is summoned by Necromancers or Dark Mages. His primary form is of a purple bat with red eyes, but he can transform himself into a purple shadow of Necrox."