Name: Ricky Tazzingo Codename: Alastor Age: 14 [url=]Appearance:[/url] Ashen-cobalt eyes, Brown dark hair, Olive-toned skin. Usually wearing an orange tank-top, and black shorts, all accompanied by a headset. Power: Space Generation Sub abilities: Absolute Defense, Spatial Mimicry, Record Space then Replicate or Duplicate it,Take sections of space and move them. Growth: Dimensional Travel, Dimensional Manipulation Weakness(es): Paralyzed when struck in the sternum. His heart and brain are weak spots. The size of a space constructs drains his vim. Weapon(s): He usually wields a non-traditional sword composed of Spring Steel A689. The blade is segmented into three pieces which are bound together by metal cables, and each segment or shell has a pulley system inside to wind up the cables from either piece. There is a grip system that allows him to control the cables with accuracy and radical bearing. Short Bio: He was previously a hikikomori who would hang out in his room and play competitive fighting games such as Martial-Fighter which allowed him to explore new Shaolin Kempo techniques.