[b]"Two boxes of twelve gauge and this whetstone."[/b] Xia put her things onto the counter. She was shopping at a shady gun launderer store for some ammo. Getting to Buje wasn't easy with all these supernatural monsters constantly attacking her, but even if they were floating eye balls, fire-breathing lizards, or abominations, they weren't immune to a shotgun blast or four to the chest. After making her purchase Xia left the store and was back onto the streets of Buje. The sky was blue here unlike in the capital wasteland, a dull state of grey or black. It was strange to see, but after being here for so long, it was only strange when she thought about it. She was thinking more about how to get more money now, however. She had, admittedly, resorted to banditry a short time after arriving to this world, but after a few run in with local authorities she decided that highway robbery wasn't her forte. Now being a gun-for-hire, that might have gone over better. Even if she wasn't going to be a raider there was still plenty of them, and Xia was no stranger to a gunfight. She just needed to find someone to hire her. The local watering hole was always a good source for that sort of job. Shady fellows or savvy ones looking for shady people to hire for their deliveries. She went to a place called Forever Standing, and chuckled at the name. [b]"If I found you in the Wasteland, maybe I'd believe you."[/b] She opened the doors, her cloak hiding her arms and weapons. First thing she noticed was a spiky fellow talking to the barkeep, kept a close eye on him. There was a few other patrons too, armed just like her, but otherwise showed no interest in starting something. She just went over to one of the booths, took a seat, and waited to be served.