[quote=Axel] *Super glomps* This is the coolest thing ever( Except for an Apache helicopter. An Apache helicopter has machine guns and missiles, it is an unbelievably impressive compliment of weaponry, an absolute death machine. Sorry, always wanted to use that quote), WOWWWWWWW!!!!!!! And you even put the 8th Division insignia in it as well!!!!!!????? *Sniffs before getting back to a more masculine tone before having that masculinity squashed by the awesome and earnest emblem of appreciation* This is very much appreciated and not to brag but it's way more better than yours Zane XD [/quote] [quote=Vongola_Hasayo] Badge powers activate! ......Psst, what powers do the badges have? [/quote] *Is superglomped* I'm glad you like it Axelicious ^_^ And you too Hasayo and well, badge power, hmmmmmmmm, I'll get back to you on that XD Ask Kurisa, his badge will be alot different o.O Gunna take a little while to make ^_^