[b]Carbombya: The Game is Afoot[/b] "Well Mr Overlord as much as I've enjoy this conversations I suspect it is in our best interests not to stay here." With that Brainwave and Megatron transformed into vehicle mode planning to run a series of hit and run ops until back up arrived. Realizing what they were planning to do the shoes started to scramble Carbombya's military assets, such as they were, as transport to catch the intruders. "Rastun, we're going to keep them busy till you get back. Let me know when you're ready and I'll send you updated coordinates." Just as Brainwave finished a helicopter carrying several Carbombyan soldiers flew into view. Several shoes attached to the soldiers detached to ambush the pair. Unfortunately for one of them they landed in front of Megatron who promptly ran it over leaving the cultist stunned. The remaining members of the unit opened fire upon them. "Oh by the way, they have guns now." Megatron realized there would be no way to gain the upper hand as long as the helicopter could see them. "Brainwave, you're going to have to shoot the helicopter down or they're just going to keep swarming us." "Lovely..." It seemed avoiding casualties wasn't in the cards. The Transtech transformed jumping on the back end of Megatron's vehicle mode and took aim. "Let's hope we stop these guys here otherwise we're probably going to end up pissing off half the world by the time we're done." He then fired downing the aircraft not particularly caring if anyone escaped. "Alright, we're going to keep going in this direction until we can't see the cultists anymore then we're going to double back and hit them provided no other aircraft spot us. After that we'll snipe at a military base to keep them off balance." "These tactics seem a bit reckless for you Megatron." "Yes, well, being reckless is our best option because it's not like me. If I behave like my usual self he's going to be able to predict my every move. Once he thinks I'm going to be totally reckless we'll switch back to my usual MO." Brainwave couldn't help but think Megatron over complicating the situation. "Would this be a bad to to say I think you're losing it?" But the Predacon refused to respond.