Name: Dominick Yang (Or "Dominick Asahi" when he's using his father's surname in western orientation), Bandages (Cause he usually has those over his eyes), "Peerless Mastermind of Oblivious" (In game title in fighting games) Age: 18 Gender/Sex: Male Height: 172.72 CM Weight: 70 kg (Average) Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Solid Black (Due to Hyphema) Blood Type: B+ In Depth Physical Description: [img=] Bandages or some sort of blindfold is nearly always present over his eyes, due to his blindness. He finds glasses tedious to deal with. Personality: If there's much anything to say about Dominick, it's that he's certainly an odd person. Not in a bad way, just quirky. Aside from his bandages, you may even think he's just your average joe. Dominick himself is a affable person and very tolerate and patient, almost to a fault. He's not a very pushy person, and though he'll always stand his ground, don't expect him to really throw his weight around. He's still fairly curious however, and always thinks about every situation he can detect around him. He may be blind, but that only makes him want to get as deep into whatever business that interest him, given that he can't exactly make judgement at face-value. He's also what you might call "genre savvy" given that his former pastime was a lot of reading, and since he can't exactly do that anymore he tends to imagine that his life is playing out like some sort of game or anime. He may even draw up stat charts for everyone. He tends to bottle up his anger, trying to put away somewhere dark where it'll be forgotten and never disturbed. But something about him makes it quite clear that his tolerance and kindness is merely something he chooses to do, not something that is deeply ingrained into his character. Origins: American, who is living in Japan, but ethically Hmong History/Bio: Dominick was born in California of the United States of America. His parents were immigrants, making life a bit difficult for them at first. Dominick had to deal with the usual issues of being a first generation child would, such as being forced to chose between two cultures, the one of his family or the one of the place he lived. He tried to maintain a balance, but more often than not he identifies himself as an American. he never learned the language of his parents, instead spending much of his youth with friends and extended family as they adapted to their new home. Dominick's youth was spent doing usual kids things. He himself took up many interests, the main three being story-telling, martial arts, and cooking. At a young age he was one of the best readers in his school, able to go through books with hundreds of pages in a day. When he was ten years old his parents signed him up in martial arts classes, which he grew very attached to. And of course, when the days winded down, he wanted to do nothing more than eat. His parents were good cooks, but he wanted more, something more pleasing to his palate. Those three things were the main things he worried about in his adolescence, with the future and the things it brought being naught but a distance memory. But over time, he began to wonder what he would do with himself. What he was, and how it would help him. But he had confidence that his abilities would help him make something of his life. But that was before the accidents. When Dominick was fifteen years old, he and his parents got into a car accident. His father was killed on impact, trying to steer the car away from the collision. Dominick was sitting at the front, but despite his father's efforts he wasn't spared. Large shards of glasses cut into Donny's eyes before he could even blink, causing massive hemorrhaging though his iris and sclera. His mother was mostly unharmed, but the shock continued to pain her to this day. Dominick's life was saved, but his eyes sight was forever lost. The doctors managed to restore his eyes so that they would be able to heal, but his sight would never return. He struggled to do many of the things he enjoyed, and felt that he lost much of what made Dominick himself. He tried to keep a happy outlook on life, but it was difficult to see anything good about life when everything was nothing but darkness. During the years his mother remarried to a fairly rich Japanese man. He was a business man who helped run some sort of beer company back on the mainland, who just recently inherited some restate from his own father who, in a twist of fate that made Dominick question the world, died in a car accident. By this time Dominick has gotten fairly used to his own predicament but still had difficulties finding something to do with himself. He actually agreed to come with his mother to Japan in the hopes that somehow, he could find a place there. Combat Style: Statistically speaking, Dominick has high defense and agility points, though his accuracy and strength are fairly lacking. He makes up for it by being able to weather through many types of damage, or outright dodge them, combating his enemies through a battle of attrition. And though blind, he hasn't lost any of his martial skills. When on the offensive he can either unleash fast and furious attacks or wait until the enemy strikes and counters for massive damage. The former is erratic in it's damage output however due to it's low accuracy and the fact that each strike is fast but doesn't have much weight behind them, while the latter requires his enemy to actually to get the first strike in and hoping that he could either survive or avoid the attack. Dominick himself is skilled with rods and staffs as weapons, though his training also involved body weights, meaning that he's also a dangerous fighter using just full armor. And of course, should things get really desperate, he can always rely on his hand-to-hand training. Extra Information: Dominick speaks English fluently, though his Japanese is somewhat decent. He speaks very politely when in Japanese, but he's much more coarse and honest in English under the assumption that no one would understand him. Dominick also carries two of his retractable walking sticks (One for regular use and the other in case he loses the first one) just about everywhere he goes out of necessity, though it also is handy as emergency weapons thanks to it's length and sturdiness. Additionally, Dominick has new hobbies in the form of listening to music and audiobooks. He still does some Martial Art's training at a public dojo and can still cook despite all that's happened. His mother has a day job working at a bakery, which he helps out when he can/has to. Lastly, though he makes sure not to let anyone know this, he's a regular drinker even though he's underage. His step-father introduced it to him and always hammered in that he must drink responsibly, so he only has a few cans when he's certain that he's going to be home afterwards. Dominick has grown fond of drinking various beers his father provides him, almost to the point that it's an addiction.