[img=http://i.imgur.com/6ed8dUc.jpg] Name: Kazimierz Lux Gender: Female Age: 32 Height: 174 centimeters Weight: 65 KG Rank/Title: Petty Officer Special: Psychodriver Alignment: Heroish Bio: Kazimierz Lux is a pilot for the Earth Federation, selected for use with the SIMARGL not due to her piloting skills but rather due to her status as a Psychodriver. The SIMARGL itself was salvaged from a rogue faction which seeked to create a black hole engine without Extra-over technology, allowing them to be mass-produced for combat purposes. Unreliable and prone to failures, it fit Lux's flight record pretty well. It was around this point it was discovered that the energy system was actually a modified gravicon that used Psychodriver energy to push its potential over the edge. So despite her rather brash nature she managed to complete missions with her new mecha, and this luck of hers made her a capable guinea pig testbed for the new mecha. As for the titans and autobots, she's more or less completely content with how the titans due things, as well as the autobots. As long as they don't mess with her or anything in her way. [img=http://i.imgur.com/KnPnFTX.jpg] Name: 477-SIMARGL Type: Super Dimensions: 19.5 meters Weight: 87 Metric Tons Stats Strength: 65 ( 45 )[15] Armor: 45 (45) [45] Firepower: 0 (70) [120] Performance: 60 (30) [10] Mobility: 50 (30) [10] Energy Output: 50 (50) [50] Sensors: 30 (30) [30] ( ) =T-Link Linkup [] = Uranus Mode Description: The SIM is a mech created by polish scientists in attempts to replicate the successes of famous Mecha such as that of the Granzon and even Sanger's mecha with limited success on any of the fronts. It's surprisingly lithe and due to its energy requirements seemed to be fitted with a minimal amount of weapons, giving it a rather crippling overspecialization. It's outfitted with rather standard equipment such as a Tesla Drive. Notable Equipment: Modified Gravicon System taped [read:attached] to a T-Link System[Codenamed T-Gravity by a scientist that is bad at naming things]: A Gravicon system which was modelled as a leadon to an experimental knockoff of the Black Hole System. To make up for its shortcomings it's jury-rigged to a T-Link System in order to increase its performance to far above average levels. This enables it to not only reduce damage to it from attacks depending on the amount of energy being output into it, but through combination of the Tesla Drive allows it to rapidly manuever through the air from the reduced amount of weight. It also lets the user increase the gravity of their shit but that's better explained elsewhere. It also has self-repair cells in it in the off-chance it gets damaged, but they heal far too slowly for it to be used practically in a fight unless it lasted several days for whatever reason. [Locked] Uranus System: Hooked up to the T-Link system as a backup, and by extension the T-Gravity system. Due to the intense nature of the Uranus system when activated it's capable of producing power comparable to that of a Black Hole engine, although the high damage it inflicts to the mecha's core and user it's incredibly risky to use. Currently it remains an undiscovered function of the Mecha. Weapons: Popielids Named by Lux, the weapon in question is a large blade, shaped much like a claymore, able to change its length and width, increasing its mass to suit new sizes. It has been produced from attempts to recreate the technology modeled after the Zankantou used by the famous Sanger. The metal framework is controlled by an ionization system that utilizes pre-set configurations to manipulate the metal into the shape the pilot has determined to be best suited for the situation. The ionization system additionally acts as a field allowing it to survive contact with high energy blades, in addition to increasing the effectiveness as a cutting edge. The blade is also capable of neglecting the liquid manipulation properties in favor of generating a charged ion field with a significantly larger range, however, the energy cost of this mode is ridiculously high due to the unstable/cheap knock off nature of the technology. Making it only useable with the T-Link system and even then putting a dangerous strain on the jury rigged knockoff. Abilities: Gravity Well: The T-Gravity System enables Lux to greatly increase or decrease the overall functions of gravity around oneself. As such Lux can greatly increase the power of the SIM's sword swings, and weight for example. It also enables SIM to create an anti-gravity field around itself, enabling it to simulate flying if its tesla drive is ever damaged, as well as greatly lessening the power of physical slugs shot towards it. Clairovoyance: Taps into the T-Link System to boost Lux's psychic abilities, increase the sennsory ability of the machine by +30 for 3 posts. Afterwards sensory ability is damaged until given time to repair, halving it. Signature Moves: T-Link Surge: Sky Cleaver: Activating the T-Link system Lux holds out their sword, surging their psychic energies to give it a boost before holding it up into the air. Causing the sword to swell up with ionized psychic energy, at which point it can then be swung in a variety of ways to completely wreck everything in the general direction of the sword. Pretty much usable only once per 12 hours, otherwise the energy core may short-circuit temporarily. Mutually Assured Destruction- Uranus Mode [Locked]: By bringing the mental strain of Lux to the limit while the robot is critically damaged, the excess energy starts to overload the core to the point a singualirity is formed. At which point the T-Gravity Core destroys everything around it. This pretty much kills the user as well, but oh well. Useable -once- for obvious reasons.