Pushing their way through the crowds Embra and Malignus were easily picked out as few individuals were moving in the opposite direction of everyone else. There seemed to be few if any cultists about now with those streaming through the streets merely civilians caught in the conflict overtaking the hive. As the crowd began to thin Embra at first then Malignus noticed various markings on some buildings and doors. Embra with his time spent with various cults was able to quickly decipher their meaning and note the district they were now moving through. Behind them some distance away was another of the rare individuals not fleeing and even more noticeable due to her appearance Argent cut her way through the crowd with ease taking little heed of those around her or the seedy buildings about her with their minor chaos markings. Embra and Malignus were coming to the end of the crowd only a handful of stragglers were now about them when now Emra suddenly heard a monstrous chanting. He managed to listen for a moment deciphering the chanting to an extant though it's exact words eluded him. There was only moments to listen to the chanting before it seemed to suddenly change into a dull roar. It was a deep bass roar that seemed to shake the buildings and your very bones. Some distance off now down the street you could see the source of the sound, still hundreds of meters away on the broad avenue there was no missing them, a wave of bodies red and brass. At the front was a large banner with a single mark that you could make out even at such a distance, followers of Khorne, thousands of them were marching through the streets. They were slowly coming up for the lower hive levels using the broad street to make it easier for their travel. Able to easily see over the head of those yet in front of her Argent managed to see the banner hanging limply in the air and suddenly heard the roar which caused the people about her to flee with new fervor. It was clear to all three now why the people fled so readily in the direction from whence came the sounds of combat for there awaited danger but behind them waited death. Still hundreds of meters away there were few buildings of note nearby, seedy buildings but not squalid though would last less than a moment should they come under the notice of the tide of cultists approaching. There were solid ferrocrete buildings further back into the hive though that meant heading closer to the combat as well as the Imperial Guard forces who were rounding up and executing cultists where they were found. --- As Celeste strode through the habblock at the head of the small strike force including Verdi and Lord Brutus Lanius Nero detailing out her warriors she noted the building they now occupied it was a solid ferrocrete structure meant to last for centuries under normal conditions. It had fared better than some so far and was still intact the building would be able to take quite some punishment yet. It did not take long before all her warriors returned save for Miva and Kavayah. They were empty quickly informing her that the building was empty and largely stripped, the most noteworthy thing was that on the other side of the building down from the upper hive levels they had noted a squad of arbites moving in formation down the thoroughfare which Miva and Kavayah had stayed behind to observe. The squad was not yet upon the building but would be there within a few minutes and the objective of the arbites was yet unknowable. There were two entrances into the habblock from the side which the arbites were approaching as well as a myriad of windows and the kill team of female warriors reported as well that the path the arbites traveled was generally lacking in cover. They had scarcely finished their report to Celeste when everyone felt the dull roar begin. It felt as though the building in which they occupied vibrated with it and each person felt it in their bones. The source was unknown as it seemed to be coming from everywhere at once.