As sebastian wandered around the town he noticed the odd look people gave him, he clearly didn't know were he was. The streets seemed endless, and so did the people. The houses were nothing like the ones he saw in the country and the change didn't excite him. After a while Sebastian stuck his hands into his pocket, only to find a key, the numbers 241 carved on. The way that the numbers were made was cryptic, like the person who did it made them with a very sharp knife, a lot of strength and even more time. He noticed that his knew body, those still very slim was more lank and muscly than his own, he was happy that at least he could enjoy his knew found strength. On the back of the key he saw the name of what he desired was an apartment complex, though he didn't know to much about that. He pulled a woman over and asked her were 'charry lane' was and the woman looked at him like he was insane before telling him it was near the cemetery. This concerned him, he wasn't sure that his new body also had a new life with it, but still he thanked her and bolted towards the place that the key would hopefully open a door too.